Final | 12/14
- Photographic Studies 14 | Content: Peaceful due for Final Assessment due by 10 am on 12/14
- Project 6 | Content: Light+Color Finalized and uploaded to digital portfolio due by 12 pm on 12/14
- Online portfolio completed at 12 pm on 12/14
Final Assessment:
Students will present Project 6 and the three Content exercises.
Each student will review their own and a colleague’s Portfolio based on an established criteria.
Due by Thursday 12/19 at 5:59 am.
In Class
- Studio time to finalize Project 6.
- Review of Student Show Photos
- Project 6 presentations
- Content Exercises: Happy, Sad & Peaceful
Self and Peer Review: Due Thursday, 12/19 at 5:59 am
Each student will review their own and a colleague’s Portfolio based on the established criteria.
Suggestion: Go to Bliss 311 lab to do the Final review and critique.
Peer & Self-Evaluation posted to Blackboard
You will Review the person whose name is under yours on the list under Students.
The last person on the list will review the first person on the list.
Happy Holidays!